Cartoon Models

Cartoon modeling is a subgroup of the alternative modeling segment in which the model is transformed into a cartoon or animated version of one’s self or a popular character. Browse Cartoon Models
Cartoon Models for hire

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Cartoon Models

A cartoon model's purpose is to work with a photographer or be filmed and then transformed into an animation. Some cartoon models are created based on the model's real looks, meaning the artist or photographer uses the model as their muse to create a brand new cartoon version of the model. Cartoon models are also sometimes selected for the modeling opportunity because they look so similar or closely identify with already existing cartoons or animations. Perhaps the client is looking for someone who reminds them of a particular character and wants to use that look in their work. Cartoon modeling is often closely associated with characters from sources such as anime, cosplay, comic books, video games, or Magna. As a cartoon model, you must be comfortable with transformation, either with graphic design or extreme makeup/costume application.