Q: How can I register?
A: Models can Register Here, and clients looking for models can Get A Quote Here.
Q: Where can I find the terms and conditions ?
A: You can head over to our LEGAL AGREEMENTS and find our terms and all our legal agreements.
Q: What type of models are you looking for on BookModels?
A: Seriously, every type. The more diversity we have, the easier it is to fulfill our mission to see through our vision. Check out all our MODEL TYPES.
Q: Which locations do you support ?
A: Any decent size city in the United States, check them out HERE.
Q: How can I get more bookings with BookModels ?
A: We see an average 500%+ booking increase when the models let their fans and industry professionals know that they are on BookModels. Tweet, Facebook post, Instagram post, etc.
Q: How do payment and rates and all that work ?
A: It is free to create an account and profile. To unlock all the features of the platform, there is a one-time charge for models and a one-time charge for clients. For more info, check out our PRICING. A model can expect to make on average $250 per job per day, with a range of $100 to $2000 per job per day depending on the location, model type, and difficulty, however, rates and payments are between the model and the client.
Q: How does your site and platform work exactly ?
A: Here are some more details on HOW IT WORKS.
Q: Is the modeling industry safe ?
A: The modeling and entertainment industry is a dynamic, challenging and yet rewarding community to be a part of. It's also a sector that has been over-targeted by scammers and malicious actors relative to comparable industries. The most important value to have is ensuring we do our best to educate ourselves and spread awareness to build a stronger and safer modeling community.
Q: Are you an agency ?
A: BookModels.com does not represent models as an agency but is an online community offering a platform for models and clients to connect and book modeling gigs. We provide a safe and secure platform to connect instantly, network, and book models for your next event.
Q: Are you trying to replace modeling agencies ?
A: BookModels.com is not trying to replace modeling agencies; in fact we work closely with dozens of them to help transition an amateur model to a professional career. Modeling agencies make sense and are essential for many models, especially successful ones that go onto have a global, international career, where agencies tend to add the most value.
Q: Why are you better than a modeling agency?
A: One of the biggest problems facing the industry is favoritism at agencies. Modeling agencies are very top heavy and use a small top tier (25%) of their models for over 3/4 of their gigs. That means there are only 1/4 of jobs left for 75% of the contract girls. With a lot of models only working for a few days a week its no surprise a platform like ours adds tons of value. Local, geographically-challenged markets will also thrive, where agencies generally do not exist or do not have the talent pool to field all the long distance requests.
Q: Are you good guys ?
A: BookModels.com is continually working to improve the user experience of its members by upgrading the online platform regularly with cutting edge technology, features, and tools to help you succeed. While we may sometimes make mistakes, we are always strengthening the quality of platform, site, content, and user experience. Although we can’t anticipate every error we will make, please do let us know if there anything we can do to better your experience to help gain your trust.
Q: How do you detect fraudulent accounts?
A: We use predictive analytics and data mining to cross-reference through dozens of possible signals that might alert us to a fraudulent or suspicious account or profile. While no screening system is bulletproof, we are implementing further defenses like background checks to increase trust. We also utilize business verification and social media unique key generation and match.
Q: What do you girls and guys do all day ?
A: At BookModels.com, we are always networking around the clock to grow our network of models and clients to provide you with the highest possible value for your hard earned dollars. The more we network, the higher the value of our platform and your membership and subsequent success on the site becomes.
Q: What's in the plans for the future ?
A: BookModels.com is working incredibly hard to innovate creative event staffing, identity verification techniques, experiential marketing, and talent staffing strategies for clients who appreciate efficiency and creativity.
Q: Will BookModels promote me if I join the platform?
A: We love to make connections and long-lasting relationships. If you scratch our back, we will scratch yours.
Q: Can I get famous from using your site ?
A: We believe certain models can leverage their popularity beyond the modeling industry and build personal brands for themselves.
Q: What are the principal industries models work in these days ?
A: Besides the staples in beauty, fashion, clothing, and promotional, models are in high demand for marketing and advertising agencies, alcoholic beverage companies, auto companies, photographers, music festivals, and of course the social media influencer phenomenon which has allowed models to market for all types of new industries that underutilized modeling in the past.
Q: Do you have any info more info on modeling agencies or the industry as a whole ?
A: Sure, through various sources, we estimate the revenue spent on models annually is around $1.5 billion, globally. The top 10 modeling agencies can be assumed to control nearly 25% of that revenue. There is estimated to be over 5000 modeling firms, platforms, and communities with most of them being local and regional mom and pop shops.
Q: How do I delete my profile or account?
A: Please submit a request here: HERE.
Q: How do I contact the BookModels team?
A: We would love to hear from you! Feel free to contact us HERE.