Christine H
22 years old and hitting life head on with my beauty. I've always loved being center of attention or having people's eyes on me I've been naturally talented from birth so this is what I know I'm supposed to do
- Views: 4,046
- Home City: Seattle, WA
- Travel: Regional
- Experience: Semi-Professional
- Type: Freelance Model
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5'03
- Body Type: Petite
- Hair: Black
- Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
- 2nd Language: NA
- Join Date: 12/2019
- Other Cities: NA
- Other Types: Bar Model, Bikini Model, Car Show Model, Dancer Model
Worked with two modeling agencies One Source Talent and Emerald City Mall mainly did fashion photo shoots 102 advertisement gigs and some lingerie shoots
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