San Diego Hispanic Model

Save #127267


Shirley S


I love to learn, try new things and meet great people. I love music and dancing. I am happy to share my essence to collaborate and create great images and experiences.

  • Views: 4,515
  • Home City: San Diego, CA
  • Travel: Regional
  • Experience: Semi-Professional
  • Type: Hispanic Model
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'03
  • Body Type: Curvy
  • Hair: Brunette
  • Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
  • 2nd Language: Spanish
  • Join Date: 08/2020
  • Other Cities: NA
  • Other Types: Ambiance Model, Dancer Model, Hair Model, Lounge Model

Past experience as a sporty model for zejax exercise tool, shooting videos to demonstrate how to use the pole for different exercises. Past Brand ambassador experience as a model and the face of a company. Event modeling experience on yachts for more fun and ambiance. Photoshoots experience. Let's create magic.

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