San Diego Female Model

Save #127655


Christina T


Hello, Imy stage name is Xena Sativa. I'm born and raised in the San Diego CA. I love the beach and nature. I enjoy a challenge and am always open to trying new things. I'm easy to work with and take pride in everything that I do.

  • Views: 4,264
  • Home City: San Diego, CA
  • Travel: Nationwide
  • Experience: Professional
  • Type: Female Model
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'04
  • Body Type: Curvy
  • Hair: Brunette
  • Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
  • 2nd Language: NA
  • Join Date: 09/2020
  • Other Cities: NA
  • Other Types: NA

I attended a creative and performing arts school for most of my up bringing where I developed a love and appreciation for the arts and self expression. 
 I have a curvy frame and I am very physically fit through practicing dance and maintaining an adventurous and active lifestyle.

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