Nashville Promotional Model

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Jade L


Let me show you my passion for brands!

  • Views: 12,584
  • Home City: Nashville, TN
  • Travel: Nationwide
  • Experience: Promotional
  • Type: Promotional Model
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'05
  • Body Type: Average
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Ethnicity: White or Caucasian
  • 2nd Language: NA
  • Join Date: 03/2020
  • Other Cities: NA
  • Other Types: NA

My strengths lie with onsite experience with brand management. I attended hundreds of events yearly to drive awareness to our brands, push online and onsite exposure and in return gain market research and increase market share for both on and off premise accounts. I work with over 11,000 alcohol brands in our portfolio, and collaborate with local events and fundraisers to maximize success for both the brand and the charitable foundation. With SPEAKeasy Marketing I promote major companies at key events as a driving force behind recognition and consumer choice. My work with TEAM Enterprises has placed me at the forefront of the consumer market, being the first point of contact to the customers in conveying the right message that resonates. I have correlated campaigns with UBER in the Nashville area and helped drive the community towards understanding ride-sharing. I interact with various target markets, gauge their needs, and understand the cost versus benefit need associated with products and choice. I understand the behind- the-scenes work that goes in to organizing an event, and the strong business-vendor relationship that is just as vital as the one you hold with your potential new customers.

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