Sherley R
Hello, my name is Sherley and i’m the spicy Latina in your friend group. I am loud and proud of my spanish background. I am very out going and my I am always deemed the life of the party, which I also don’t mind taking the credit for (LOL).
- Views: 3,912
- Home City: Miami, FL
- Travel: Nationwide
- Experience: Semi-Professional
- Type: Bilingual Model
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5'00
- Body Type: Petite
- Hair: Brunette
- Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
- 2nd Language: NA
- Join Date: 11/2019
- Other Cities: NA
- Other Types: NA
I have experience working with out loud marketing, as a brand ambassador. I know the importance of branding and marketing, all the above etc. i also have extensive experience in the music industry as my father was in it as a DJ for many years and now runs clubs and I help at the door and with special events. I love music, especially EDM so it would be a great experience to get involved with the bigger scope of events like these great festivals. I would love to be part of this exciting team. I am the go to person for spreading the word of anything fun, music& food related !!
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