Axel R
Axel Rosa is a 24 year old young visual artist, photographer/videographer, creative director, dancer, model and graphic design student based in Los Angeles.
- Views: 3,699
- Home City: Los Angeles, CA
- Travel: Local
- Experience: Influencer
- Type: Fashion Model
- Gender: Male
- Height: 6'00
- Body Type: Slim
- Hair: Brunette
- Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
- 2nd Language: Spanish
- Join Date: 02/2020
- Other Cities: NA
- Other Types: NA
Originally from Puerto Rico, Axel’s interest for the arts began throughout his college years and in present time is what he does most of the time. Axel has his mind set on starting a modeling career since he loves fashion also, wants to dance more often to expand his creative mind and overall be more inclusive in the entertainment industry.
Axel is constantly challenging himself, he’s a hard-worker and has the potential for greatness. Everything he knows till this day is self taught. His goals are a work in progress but with his current experiences, he can execute and deliver if chosen to work together.
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