Morriah F
Practicing the beauty I want to see in the world.
- Views: 4,331
- Home City: Denver, CO
- Travel: Nationwide
- Experience: Amateur
- Type: Festival Model
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5'10
- Body Type: Athletic
- Hair: Other
- Ethnicity: Other
- 2nd Language: NA
- Join Date: 12/2019
- Other Cities: Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, Colorado Springs
- Other Types: Alt Model, Art Model, Event Model
I have worked a number of events in Hawaii (Maui) and Los Angeles so far. While living in Hawaii I worked events at the Maui Tropical Plantation and at the "Halloween in Lahaina" event. In Los Angeles I have helped friend at a couple events with promoting their art as well as some of their delicious and medicinal tonics! I preform with fire as well if ever interested.
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