Cheyenne J
I’m a dedicated model, lots of experience with boutiques and makeup.
- Views: 12,336
- Home City: Denver, CO
- Travel: Nationwide
- Experience: Promotional
- Type: Brand Ambassador
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5'05
- Body Type: Average
- Hair: Black
- Ethnicity: Black or African American
- 2nd Language: NA
- Join Date: 06/2020
- Other Cities: Las Vegas, Memphis, Miami, Nashville
- Other Types: Clothing Model, Event Model, Fashion Model, Social Influencer
I’m Cheyenne Johnson, I’m 21 and from Nashville, TN and live in Boulder, Co
I’m a freelance model and have done lots of work on Instagram with boutiques as a brand ambassador/ model. I’m determined, independent and reliable. I have makeup experience and currently working on getting my personal stylist degree.
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