Chicago Male Model

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Jesus N


My name is Jesus Nunez I am a chicago actor that goes by the stage name Arie Nunez. I’ve been acting for about 2 years and I want to add modeling experience to my resume as well.

  • Views: 3,352
  • Home City: Chicago, IL
  • Travel: Local
  • Experience: Amateur
  • Type: Male Model
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5'06
  • Body Type: Muscular
  • Hair: Black
  • Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
  • 2nd Language: Spanish
  • Join Date: 06/2021
  • Other Cities: NA
  • Other Types: NA

I currently work as a kids club wrestling and judo coach, on top of that I am also a handyman and an actor. Just trying to find time to fit them all in my schedule.

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