Aree EL M
Professional Freelance model with 5 years of experience in commercial and promotional advertising. As an influencer who has managed to build my social media following/network to over 25K with no team, I am willing to travel nationwide for photo shoots, creative collaborations and product marketing to expand my knowledge, network and gain exposure with the top brands in the world.
- Views: 12,619
- Home City: Charlotte, NC
- Travel: Regional
- Experience: Amateur
- Type: Freelance Model
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5'03
- Body Type: Petite
- Hair: Black
- Ethnicity: Black or African American
- 2nd Language: NA
- Join Date: 06/2020
- Other Cities: Atlanta, Charlotte, Baltimore, Knoxville
- Other Types: Ebony Model, Glamour Model, Makeup Model, Social Media Model
My name is Kristyna Minor. I go by my middle name Aree El (ah-ree-EL) in the modeling/entertaining industry. I have been a professional model for 5 years now. I am a musically talented singer and own my own aromatherapy business and holistic skincare line. My ambitious attitude and bubbly personality has allowed me to stay afloat despite the many challenges and adversity. I have faced . I am looking forward to expanding my portfolio and working with the most influential and best photographers, influencers, and top brands/companies in the industry. I have a niche for acting, and would love to gear toward film/television. I love to learn new creative ways to innovate brand. I am fearless and willing to step outside of the box all in the name of faith, and me being loyal to my dreams. I am ready to explore the hidden talents that have yet to come to surface, all while implementing what I already have learned and experienced to help others.
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