Charlotte Amateur Model

Save #136423


Devon L


I am a sweet soul who true to see the best in my self and others.

  • Views: 2,219
  • Home City: Charlotte, NC
  • Travel: Nationwide
  • Experience: Amateur
  • Type: Amateur Model
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5'11
  • Body Type: Athletic
  • Hair: Black
  • Ethnicity: Black or African American
  • 2nd Language: NA
  • Join Date: 02/2021
  • Other Cities: NA
  • Other Types: NA

There’s much to be celebrated, appreciated and embark in this world and I desire to be a part of the offerings the world has to offer. I’ve worked with a lot a clientele services which has groomed my smile and ready to be viewed by cameras. I will leave a mark on this work even if it’s a minimum!

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