Melinda C
Hey guys! My name is Melinda but I go by Mellie. I'm 26 and have been attending raves since I was the tender age of 16. I started going to festivals in 2016 and working with brands and other companies within the EDM community earlier this year.
- Views: 6,955
- Home City: Birmingham, AL
- Travel: Nationwide
- Experience: Semi-Professional
- Type: Festival Model
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5'02
- Body Type: Slim
- Hair: Black
- Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
- 2nd Language: Spanish
- Join Date: 11/2019
- Other Cities: NA
- Other Types: NA
I have been a frequent content writer for New England Electronic Music (NEED) for the last three years. I have also promoted several rave fashion brands such as Iheartraves and Rage Nation Apparel at various festivals along with smaller events.
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