Kendra B
Hi I’m Kendra Brooks better known as Kandy Koutoure on social media platforms. I’m interested in getting back in the model scene. Currently dieting to get in better shape for the lifestyle I want and crave to have. I love to travel, shop and just be fashionable. I’m highly ambitious and seeking to reach as high as I can possibly go in life!
- Views: 4,497
- Home City: Birmingham, AL
- Travel: Nationwide
- Experience: Amateur
- Type: Curvy Model
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5'03
- Body Type: Curvy
- Hair: Black
- Ethnicity: Black or African American
- 2nd Language: NA
- Join Date: 04/2021
- Other Cities: NA
- Other Types: NA
I have modeled years ago through several agencies.
Promotional type work as far as Rimmel makeup at that time , Being in a music video that was shot in Miami where I lived at the time.
VIP sessions promotional type work. Got to do a major photo shoot that included a wide range of photos taken.
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