Julianna M
Hi my name is Julianna but I prefer Julie. I’m 36 years old and I love fashion, beauty, and the glamor. I’ve always been interested and curious about modeling so I’m giving it a shot.
- Views: 5,028
- Home City: Albuquerque, NM
- Travel: Nationwide
- Experience: Amateur
- Type: Event Staff
- Gender: Female
- Height: 5'02
- Body Type: Slim
- Hair: Other
- Ethnicity: Hispanic or Latino
- 2nd Language: NA
- Join Date: 12/2020
- Other Cities: El Paso, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Colorado Springs
- Other Types: Clothing Model, Glamour Model, Makeup Model, Petite Model
I am currently working as a home health aid. I enjoy helping and caring for people. I am 36 years old and modeling has always peaked my interest, I am not getting any younger so I thought I should give it a try before I expire haha so here I am giving it a shot. Fingers crossed..
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